International Conference Assistance Program
Promotes the participation of Filipino scholars in international social science conferences and the dissemination of their research by subsidizing their conference fees.

PSSC International Conference Assistance Program (ICAP)
The Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC) encourages Filipino social scientists to prepare and present papers at social scientific conferences abroad and participate in such international gatherings. Hence, PSSC institutionalized the Travel Assistance Program (TAP) in 2002 as one of PSSC’s regular programs. The TAP provides supplemental financial assistance to individual scholars who belong to the Council’s regular and associate member-organizations, to enable them to attend and present academic papers in international social science conferences.
In 2024, PSSC transformed its Travel Assistance Program into the International Conference Assistance Program (ICAP).
The ICAP aims to support Filipino social scientists participating in international conferences by providing supplemental financial assistance to help defray his/her registration, airfare, and accommodation costs. A maximum of P25,000¹ is available per grantee.
Due to limited funds, for 2024, the total grant amount can only cover support for four (4) grantees over the year, two (2) grantees per semester. For the second semester of 2024, one (1) slot is available for application. Priority will be given to first time applicants and social scientists not based in NCR.
¹ In pre-pandemic years, the maximum amount was P30,000.
To qualify for a PSSC ICAP grant, an applicant must:
- be a bonafide member of any one of PSSC’s regular or associate member-organizations,
- be a social science scholar attending an international conference and needing to travel to a foreign country where the conference will be held; and
- not have received any PSSC grant in the past three years following the last grant.
- An applicant must submit the following documents at least two months before the date of the conference:
- a copy of the acceptance letter from the conference organizer;
- an endorsement letter from the head of the applicant’s organization, which should be a member of PSSC (download the template here),
- a duly accomplished financial request form (download the template here),
- a copy of the abstract of the academic paper to be presented, and
- a 3-5 page CV/bio-data including a list of his/her publications and conferences he/she attended in the last five years.
- When the application is approved, and for the funds to be released, the grantee must:
- Show proof of conference participation (e.g., airline ticket or payment of a registration fee, name inclusion in the conference program).
- Provide PSSC with a copy of the academic paper to be presented at the conference.
- Upon return, the ICAP grantee must submit a brief report of the conference and photo documentation of his/her participation in the conference to PSSC.
- If requested, the grantee must also present their academic papers in a public lecture, forum, or conference organized by the PSSC.
- The grantee may be invited to have the presented academic paper be included in one of PSSC’s publications.
For questions or concerns, you may send an email to