Latest News and Events
Plan ahead and join our upcoming activities, fora and training workshops.

Register now for IPC’s webinar on “Emerging Features of Integrated COVID-19 Adaptation”
Emerging Features of Integrated COVID-19 Adaptation3 December 2021 | 12NN Join the Institute of Philippine Culture, together with USAID, in their

DOST-SEI launches coffee table book, “Ripples: Transformations Beyond Science”
The Department of Science and Technology-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) invites you to the launch of the DOST-SEI Coffee Table Book

16th Asia Pacific Sociological Association Conference 2021
16th Asia Pacific Sociological Association Conference 2021November 15-16, 20218:30 AM-11:00 AM and 2:00 PM-4:30 PM (Philippine Standard Time) The theme

42nd National Conference on Local and National History of the Philippine National Historical Society (PNHS)
The 42nd National Conference on Local and National History of the Philippine National Historical Society (PNHS) will be held at

National Forum on Communication and Democracy: Philippine Elections 2022
bata bata… mulat KNB?: The Youth Vote in 20228 September 2021 | 9am to 11am Youth represent! Join the Philippines

Call for Papers for PCS Review 2021A Special Issue on Uncertainties, Understandings, Untold Stories: Communication During the Pandemic Submission deadline

CALL FOR PROPOSALS | 43rd Annual Conference of Ugnayang Pang-Aghamtao, “Anthropologies of (De)Colonization and Beyond”
CALL FOR PROPOSALS 43rd Annual Conference of the Ugnayang Pang-Aghamtao, Inc. (UGAT/Anthropological Association of the Philippines)Host: Camarines Norte State College/University of

57th PAP Annual Convention: Recalibrating Philippine Psychology Towards a More Responsive Discipline in the Challenging Times
57th PAP Annual ConventionRecalibrating Philippine PsychologyTowards a More Responsive Discipline in the Challenging Times After a year of hiatus due

CALL FOR PAPERS | PSPA 2021 International Conference
CALL FOR PAPERSPSPA 2021 International Conference22-23 October 2021 | 8AM-5PM PST PSPA is calling all interested participants to submit their

Oscar M. Lopez Center Balangay Media Project
As the impacts of the changing climate become increasingly severe, media and communication play an integral role in driving information

[CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS] PHA Linang Kasaysayan: History Writing Workshop 2021
Linang KasaysayanHistory Writing Workshop 2021Call for Participants The Philippine Historical Association (PHA) invites all its members, historians, history researchers, teachers,

Join PACS in its webinar, “China’s Relationship with the Korean Peninsula”
Join the Philippine Association of Chinese Studies (PACS) on 10 July, Saturday, 10am-12nn (Manila time) for a webinar on “China’s